Please contact your State Representatives today. There is a proposal on the agenda for tomorrow March 15, 2011. This bill will take away what little protection Condo Owners and Homeowners currently have under Florida law. One of the many negative features of this bill proposal is to take away the licensing requirements for Community Association Managers (CAM). This proposal will affect those living in Condo Associations, Homeowner Associations, Co-ops and Mobile Home Parks.
Here is a link to Bill Proposal PCB BCAS 11-01: (
You can read the proposed bill yourself or take the word of Jan Bergemann from Cyber Citizens for Justice when he states that:
No matter how you feel about community associations, it is imperative that this bill disappears as fast as it was posted. PLEASE contact the committee members today. The bill is on the committee agenda for Tuesday, March 15, 2011 in the Reed Hall (102 HOB). Here is the link with all the e-mail addresses. Make sure to make your voices heard.
This really is important! This bill will destroy what little protection there is for owners in condos, co-ops and mobile home parks — and even homeowners’ associations.
Please use the link above and send an email today to the Committee Members letting them know how you feel.